John Britt Pottery

Secrets of Cobalt Crystalline Glazes (Electric cone 10 -13 )


Secrets of Cobalt Crystalline Glazes (Electric cone 10 -13 )




This 43 page PDF is a detailed exploration of cobalt crystalline glazes fired in electric to cone 10-13, including experimentation with various materials, firing cycles, and the effects on glaze outcomes.

I spent about 2 years investigating these unusual glazes and have focused on firing cycles. I have about 50 cycles listed and then show 4 base recipes which I have then done about 300 variations on and chosen the best ones to show you. There were far too many to include them all, but I have included the very best in this PDF.

This is a rare piece of ceramic glaze literature because most people keep these secrets to themselves but I wanted to share what I learned so others could take it as a starting point in their research. (Plus I am getting old and forgetful and wanted to write it all down.)

It took over over 2 years to investigate and then another 3 months to photograph, assemble and write it up. Aside from the time element, this PDF is well worth the price tag for several other reasons. First, because the cost of cobalt carbonate is very high and these glazes us about 25% per recipe. So 2 test runs cost over $35. And that is not including all the other materials you need. Finally, as you know, trying to learn this all yourself would take months of making tiles, throwing, trimming and bisque firing hundreds of pieces, making glaze recipes and variations. Basically for the cost of three electric glaze firings and you can have it all. A gem of ceramics literature.


Downloadable PDF (You should be sent a link to click IMMEDIATELY so you can download it. Be patient because it may take time depending on your connection speed. It is 9 megs!  Watch for it. Check your SPAM file! If you don’t see it contact me asap. I can link you to a Dropbox download if you have problems.

 [email protected]  )