John Britt Pottery

Fundamentals of Wheel Throwing with John Britt – DVD- SALE!!!



Fundamentals of Wheel Throwing with John Britt – DVD- SALE!!!



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If you have always wanted to learn how to throw- You’ve come to the right place. “Fundamentals of Wheel Throwing” is an instructional DVD for the beginning potter or the potter who needs specific techniques to improve their basic skills.

John Britt shows you the basics you need to start throwing, and  short cuts perfected by over 30 years of teaching that will rapidly improve your skills. Rather than learning someone else’s style and copying his or her pots you’ll have the skills you need to need to develop your own unique shapes. This video is all you need to experience the magic of throwing.

John starts this DVD with an introduction to the basic tools you will need, the type of wheel, how to position yourself to throw a pot. He then moves on the preparing the clay.

CenteringBeing able to center and throw a pot requires that the clay be properly prepared. To do this you need to wedge the clay which is a lot like kneading bread.  It is very simple and you don’t have to spend years working as an apprentice to know how to wedge. John will show you three ways to wedge easily and successfully.

Then he shows you how attach the clay to the bat and several simple ways to center. If you follow his instruction you will be able to center on the first try!

He then moves on to coning clay and gives a simple explanation of how toConing do it and why it is a good practice that can save you a lot of time as you progress on your throwing journey.

If you follow his simple instructions and take some time to practice the techniques it will take years off your learning curve. It is amazing what good instruction can do to help you be successful. 

He then shows how to open a cylinder as well and ways to pull, form and trim the pot. He also has a group of exercises designed to fast track your skills. By concentrated effort on these skills you will learn how to pull taller cylinders, what difference a clay body makes to your throwing, how to move from one pound balls of clay to larger amounts.

IMG_1585This is  must have video for beginning potters or more advanced potters who want to improve their skills in a systematic way. 

It is 2 hours and 18 minutes of clear and concise instruction that is will take years off your journey toward throwing mastery. You won’t be disappointed with this DVD!

Makes a great GIFT!

SALE with FREE SHIPPING in the continental US. (Shipping to Canada and Europe has increased so ask me about current rates)

John Britt has been a potter and educator for more than 31 years. He has worked and taught at universities, colleges and craft centers throughout the United States. John is the author of The Complete Guide to High-Fire Glaze; Glazing & Firing at Cone 10, and The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes; Glazing and Firing at Cones 4 -7, both by Lark Books. He has a self-published eBook, The Search for the Illusive Leaf Bowl, and other articles available for purchase on his website.  John teaches glaze chemistry, throwing, glazing and firing workshops nationally and internationally. He works out of his Bakersville, North Carolina, studio. To learn more about John, visit his website: